Just a Dog Blog: Understanding Smallness
Hello. Today I introduce a new blog called Just a Dog. It is designed to record my journey with fostering dogs and all things dog that I'm learning. I'm now on my 7th foster. This time I have a small Jack Russell type sentient being named Cora. She was dropped off at...

Lost and Found Edges
Listen Examine Read On the crisp edge of this watercolor pear a boundary holds the form. On the other side there is a lost edge that allows the paint to wander out of the lines and back in again. My mind likes the hard edge because it's safe, familiar, well...

March On!
The first day of a brand new year seems so ordinary. It's new but I'm old. Before I stomp off into dismay and cast a shadow over my soul that is bleak, I pause to reframe. A new year is like a freshly set table full of possibilities of what's to come. I'm invited to...

Just Show Up
That’s all I have to do. Why it is so difficult? Why am I so resistant? Steven Pressfield said it well in his book The War of Art: “Resistance”. That’s it? Plain, old resistance? Well I’ve come to know it’s not plain. And it never grows old. But it grows deeper as one...

Becoming An Explorer
I'm on a quest to overcome my fears related to creativity, namely Art and Writing. I'm looking for people who are struggling with their own fears, who will travel with me on this journey to conquer the giants and take back the land of confidence. I need fellow...

Continued from May 6, 2012
Hi Gentle Readers, I finally found my way back to my blog. The habits I spoke of two years ago haven't changed but what has changed is my belief in myself. I may not be the best writer, or artist or whatever but I'm the best and in fact only one who can see from my...

The Year of the Spark
Happy New Year! I haven't blogged in more than a year! But I'm here now and will try to keep going. I'm starting another class with Carla Sonheim called The Year of the Spark! This blog will be a good place to document what I'm learning and reflect on the...
Hi!I'm starting a new class. Here's the link.http://www.carlasonheim.com/2014-year-of-the-fairy-tale-online-class/
Today I attended a writing workshop with Barbara Abercrombie. She, with generosity, humor and years of writing and teaching experience, shared everything one needs to know to get started writing and to keep writing. I've taken many classes with Barbara and I always...
Reading About Writing
Courage and Craft by Barbara Abercrombie is full of wisdom and insight. I'm rereading it again for the fourth time. For example, "You can sit around for the rest of your life dreaming about writing your stories, longing to bear witness on the page to every...
I tried to listen To my heart,But I couldn't Hear her thoughts.Her words unpennedFrom the lineAnd scattered.I wasn't ableTo help...

What do dogs have to teach us?
On Saturday we got another dog. I fought with myself over this decision for well over a year. Why would I want yet another body to take care of? I'm a care taker by nature, by role, by circumstance, by chance. It's what I do. And do well, I might add. But do I need...
What is your vision?
Your vision will only become clear when you look into your heart. Who looks outside....dreams. Who looks inside....awakens. Carl Jung

Quaere Faerie
Do you have a lot of questions? I know I do. I think Quaere Faerie has been around with her magic dot, stirring up curiousities and wonderments. Here's a place to post a question or a comment to a question. But don't be surprised if questions lead to more questions.To...
About Us
About UsThis blog is devoted to my family and friends, to the journey of life, to writing to and for each other. It is a place of encouragement and fun, celebrating all the good things that surround us. Thankful to God for all of His gifts I want to share thoughts,...
Please Read
Jenny Rough has a great post today. Stop by. www.jennyrough.com click on roughlyspeaking.
Begin Today! No matter how feeble the light. Let it shine as best it may.The world may need just the quality of light you have.~Shaker Saying Art by James C. Christensen
The Writing Journey Continues
On Sunday I attended the Writer's Faire through UCLA Extension. It was so inspiring. Just being with other writer's, hearing their stories, buying a really cool t-shirt, was exhilarating. That very afternoon, when I got home, things began to fall apart. Stuff inside...
I Like this Idea
Here's a chance to win Mary E. DeMuth's book "Authentic Parenting in Postmodern Culture". Just leave a post on my blog and you will be entered into the drawing. For more info go to http://tekemestudios.blogspot.com. Good luck and have fun!Win a copy of Mary E....
Perhaps This Is What Heaven Is Like
Be Inspired...A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?' The father who, despite having a heart condition, says 'Yes'. They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always...
This Room I’m In
The fragrance of line-dried linens gathers in the room and swirls around with the steam of my hazelnut coffee up into the heavenly, high ceiling, white. And down again along the edge of my mind pulling me along the tail end of a dream lost many years ago. The curtains...
A Cabin in the Woods
Solitude. Recently I've met someone who has a cabin in the woods and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. The thought of getting away into the quiet where I can be alone sounds refreshing and relieving. Since I can't go to a cabin in the woods right now I try...
Yesterday my friend found a little dog. She called me to tell me that he looked exactly like my dog, Henri. Henri is a Bichon-poodle. She said that he was under a car and she couldn't get him out. I had just spent the morning lamenting over the fact that I need to...
Let’s Do This Again
My daughter, Joy, and I took my niece and nephew to the beach last night for dinner. They were so excited. It was 5:30, the sun was still up, it was warm and the parking lot was full. We crossed the busy bike path, down the boardwalk to the sand."I don't like sand",...
A Monday That Did Not Act Like A Monday
I didn 't know the name of this day. It definitely did not feel like Monday. My friends came for lunch at 11:30 and stayed until 5:30. We sat in the patio under the umbrella. The shade stayed over all the chairs except one corner. A breeze blew only slightly, only...
Watermelon Seeds
Saturday is my gardening day. I usually water all the houseplants and then make my way outside to see what needs my attention. Today it was the front yard. I have been gone a lot and completely forgot to tell anyone that my pots needed to be watered. So when I came...
Welcome to pen and inklings!
Small ideas in small spaces means to find in the seemingly insignificant, ordinary, dysfuntional moments of life, the extraordinary, the holy and the divine. When i plant a seed and it sprouts, grows, flowers, dies and hands me a pod full of more seeds, i'm astounded!...