by penandinklings | Mar 5, 2024 | acceptance belonging, art, confidence, creativity, exploring, Letting go, relationships, Thoughts, Uncategorized, writing
Listen Examine Read On the crisp edge of this watercolor pear a boundary holds the form. On the other side there is a lost edge that allows the paint to wander out of the lines and back in again. My mind likes the hard edge because it’s safe, familiar,...
by penandinklings | Jan 4, 2024 | art, confidence, creativity, exploring, Thoughts, writing
The first day of a brand new year seems so ordinary. It’s new but I’m old. Before I stomp off into dismay and cast a shadow over my soul that is bleak, I pause to reframe. A new year is like a freshly set table full of possibilities of what’s to...
by penandinklings | Aug 10, 2015 | art, caregiving, confidence, creativity, exploring, writing
I’m on a quest to overcome my fears related to creativity, namely Art and Writing. I’m looking for people who are struggling with their own fears, who will travel with me on this journey to conquer the giants and take back the land of confidence. I need...
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