by penandinklings | May 5, 2012 | Uncategorized
I tried to listen To my heart,But I couldn’t Hear her thoughts.Her words unpennedFrom the lineAnd scattered.I wasn’t...
by penandinklings | Oct 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
On Saturday we got another dog. I fought with myself over this decision for well over a year. Why would I want yet another body to take care of? I’m a care taker by nature, by role, by circumstance, by chance. It’s what I do. And do well, I might add. But...
by penandinklings | Nov 30, 2008 | quote for the day
Your vision will only become clear when you look into your heart. Who looks outside….dreams. Who looks inside….awakens. Carl Jung
by penandinklings | Nov 22, 2008 | Quaere Faerie
Do you have a lot of questions? I know I do. I think Quaere Faerie has been around with her magic dot, stirring up curiousities and wonderments. Here’s a place to post a question or a comment to a question. But don’t be surprised if questions lead to more...
by penandinklings | Nov 6, 2008 | About Us
About UsThis blog is devoted to my family and friends, to the journey of life, to writing to and for each other. It is a place of encouragement and fun, celebrating all the good things that surround us. Thankful to God for all of His gifts I want to share thoughts,...
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