I’m here for you.
Today I introduce a new blog called Just a Dog. It is designed to record my journey with fostering dogs and all things dog that I’m learning. I’m now on my 7th foster. This time I have a small Jack Russell type sentient being named Cora. She was dropped off at a shelter in Bakersfield, pregnant. Her demeanor is compliant and submissive as she seems to just want to fit in. Her six tiny puppies were delivered here in my home. I provided the space but she did all the work. I watched as she ripped off the sacks the puppies are each born in, chewed through umbilcal cords, licked and cleaned and licked some more. Amazed, I just sat there only changing the pads underneath the puppies as they got wet and cold. A gift arrived, made it’s way to me, allowed me to witness God’s handiwork upclose and yet there is something within me that pushes this miracle away. Is the frequency of these miracles, too many to deem important? There are so many dogs: neglected dogs, misunderstood dogs, abused dogs, just for profit dogs. Why should I care? The morality hits me in the face. What have we done? Why do we domesticate animals and then leave them in shelters, abandon them, treat them like they don’t matter. For today, for this foster family, I can set shame aside and focus on the safety, goodness, love I can offer to these in front of me. It’s a work, a good work, given to me that I chose to say yes to, my heart says yes to. It’s only 7 of all the dogs unspoken for but at least I know I’ll do my best to raise them to be healthy, confident beings that I hope will go on to improve the lives of those who adopt them. My hope is that they will matter and be cherished. Today I’m thankful for the rescues, specifically California Doodle Rescue and Tobie’s Small Dog Rescue, that try to fill the gap, who take up the slack for our societal irresponsibility and often misunderstood point of having a dog. Just for today, I’m part of the solution however small of a drop that may be. I want to embrace this miracle.
What a sweet post and painting! You inspire me! I look forward to reading more posts on all you’ve gleaned from having seven fosters. What a gift you are to all the dogs you’ve helped and to those who read your blog. ❤️
Thank you Melanie! For being a part of my dog journey and for your support in life. I appreciate your kind comments.